rain and pain

It is also the spot where Friendly, one of the farm cats,
often waits for us, and joins us for the walk home.
We were walking in the rain today and I mean one of those famous pacific northwest soakers. It did not bother me except when the wind blew rain right on my face. My wool hat is too big and it kept slipping down in my face. It was good though, no dust! I am seriously looking at some 2 mile stretches of road that Boom and I can walk when the weather gets more dry, with out having to deal with the dust of a gravel road. Though I do not care too much for paved roads, maybe some gravel roads with less traffic!
Well I might have to quit walking for a while. I am sad over this development, but it has been a long time coming. My hip was really "barking" on our walk today. *laugh* My hip, not Boom, did all the barking on this trip! I took ibruprophin for the first time in regard to this injury and ended up at mom's sitting in a chair with a half bag of frozen broccoli on my hip and it is still bugging me. Afterwards I had broccoli with my dinner!
I guess I will start doing yoga in the mornings again and then schedule hip stretching exercises several times a day, and discontinue my walking for a few days and see what happens. Perhaps yoga before walking would be good too. I really want to walk! Then I read on the trail journals how hikers with injury take a few days off all the time and then feel much better. That gives me hope!
The other thing is that Boom and I have an event coming up in May, the Doggie Dash which isn't that far off. I really want to do this event because it is going to be a blast with about 2,000 dogs and their humans will be there! I hear it is very funny to watch and even more fun to participate in.
I am reading an excellent trail journal by a man named Big Red. He hiked the AT in 2002. I assume that he made it.... I can't wait to find out! The reason I like his journal so much is that when he started out he was only hiking 4-5 miles a day! Now that is someone I can relate to! Where I am now he just passed the 200 mile mark and is starting to hike more than 10 miles a day. This guy is my hero.
I am supposed to go to Moe's tomorrow night and I am going to take several pictures with me to be scanned, including the one taken at the 5k. I am excited about getting that one up on the web, though I don't know why... It is NOT a good picture of me, but all in the same it was a very proud moment!
I've said so many times that I have to come visit you! I'm saying it again. :)
That doggy dash thing looks like fun!!! Go for it!
Stretching is crucial, and I think it may really help you. People think "Oh, I'm just walking" or whatever, but the muscles need to be stretched. I hope it helps!
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