Early Fireworks

Tonight, after 9:30, I took Boom and we went for a walk for over an hour. It is pretty hard walking for an hour here on the hill because I have to do a lot of back tracking and keeping an eye on the timer to make sure I get enough time in. I can't believe how long it has been since I have walked, how much I missed it, but most of all how little ground I lost! Praise God! And my hip was NOT bothering me. It bothers me all the time now. Boom has learned not to pull on me and she is heeling wonderfully.
The very best thing about the whole night was to the north east of where I was walking there was a lightning storm. It was far enough away that I could not hear the thunder, more over Estacada and Oregon City area. So, I was able to watch the "fireworks" as I walked. I made sure that walked a portion of Heinz road TWICE so I had a very good view and when I stopped to watch I would turn to see.
It sure feels good to be back in the game again!
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