Motivation for Today

The Nike ad that is below is from "What Women Want". I watched the movie a few weeks ago and when Mel Gibson said these words I started to cry because I missed the road so much. This is the reason why I walk. Granted I consider myself a social rebel and most of these things do not bother me, but it summed up for me. So if anyone wants to know why I am so into this, here ya go! Besides the endorphine rush is AWESOME and it feels sooooo good to burn off emotions that I normally do not know what to do with. I love to hear my heart pumping and hear my breath increasing and the fact that I can keep going instead of having to stop or worse, have to keep going beyond my point. I started to get into losing weight so I can do better... make more miles... hike long distances.... it is all because of the road.
You don't stand in front
of a mirror before a run...
and wonder what the road
will think of your outfit.
You don't have to listen to its
jokes and pretend they're funny.
It would not be easier to run
if you dressed sexier.
The road doesn't notice
if you're not Wearing lipstick.
It does not care
how old you are.

You do not feel
because you make more money
than the road.
And you can call on the road
whenever you feel like it,
whether its been a day...
or even a couple of hours
since your last date.
The only thing
the road cares about...
is that you pay it a visit
once in a while.
No games.
Just sports.
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